WalkMining Clause Privacy

Third-Party Provision and Information Processing Outsourcing Agreement for Personal Information

  1. Third-Party Provision of Personal Information

WalkMining (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') uses personal information only within the scope notified in 「1. Privacy Policy,」 and generally does not provide users' personal information to third parties. However, there are exceptions as follows, and users who do not use the services listed below will not have their personal information provided to third parties.

[Gifticons service]

[Provision of Tokens]

You have the right to refuse consent for the third-party provision of personal information, and you can withdraw your consent for third-party provision at any time. However, please note that the use of certain services related to third-party provision may be restricted. (You can still use the membership registration service.)

  1. Personal Information Processing Outsourcing

The company entrusts the processing of personal information as follows below and takes necessary measures to ensure that the personal information subject to outsourcing is securely managed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the region where the company is located. The information outsourced is limited to the minimum scope necessary for the provision of the service. The tasks that the company is currently outsourcing are as follows, and in case of any changes in the outsourcing matters, we will inform you accordingly.